Yes, like other wine merchants, we sell wine. But we like to think we do it differently to most and do it very well, in what is a crowded marketplace. For a start, it’s about you. Personalisation is the very premise of what we do and our Personal Sommelier & Concierge services are the embodiment of this principle. They are how we ensure that we deliver to you what is best for you; not us.  We encourage you to take a minute or so to keep reading a little more about these services – you might be someone that uses one or both of them. They are by no means mutually exclusive. Either way, once you buy from us, we don’t think you’ll do it any other way. Our rate of repeat customers tells us that there is method in our madness.


Personal Sommelier Service. Sounds fancy, doesn’t it?

It really just means that you trust us to provide you with the right bottle of wine for you (or the person that you are buying to for) each and every time. Think of it as going into a bottle shop and asking for help, except you do not need to leave the comfort of your own home and we have a much larger range to work with than most bottle shops.

If you’re thinking this sounds complicated, we promise you it’s not. And it won’t take up much of your time. You simply answer some questions about the wines you like to drink and your budget and we will do the rest. You will have a wine selection that has been tailored just for you on your doorstep in no time. You do not need any wine knowledge and there are no right or wrong answers. Some people know exactly what they like and others need help discovering it.

We’ll check in with you after each order to get your feedback on the wines provided so that we can continue to refine our selections for you and introduce you to new wines that we think you’ll like. Of course you can request wines that you have had in previous deliveries.

This complimentary service is available to anyone - we love taking the time to understand your wine tastes and preferences regardless of the quantity you purchase or the amount you spend.

To get started, you can get in touch with us here (including phone, text or email), fill out the questionnaire below and have us contact you or make a purchase from our online store and answer the relevant questions when prompted.

We look forward to introducing you to a new way of buying wine. After all, what wine lover doesn’t deserve their own personal sommelier?


Do you have a specific wine request? It might be one of your favourite wines or perhaps a bottle you had at a friend’s house or restaurant.

This is where our wine concierge service will help you. Chances are we either stock the wine you are looking for or can get it for you. If we don’t stock it, we will use our vast network of wine contacts, which includes wineries, wine distributors, importers and other wine merchants, to source the wine you seek in a timely manner.

We will let you know how much a wine is going to cost and the anticipated delivery time with the aim of being as affordable and prompt as possible.

To use this service, get in touch with us here (including phone, text or email) or you can use the ‘Request a wine’ function of this website by clicking here. You can attach a photo of the wine via any of these contact methods if that is easiest for you.